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Cambridge University IDP Home Integrated Design Project (IDP)


Course Docs

Parts Catalogue

Project Management

Design Process

Electrical CAD

Mechanical CAD

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Student Information

In addition to the material contained in the Handbook there are additional web/cd/dvd and paper resources to support the project. Most are accessible from the links below or on the MDP CD/DVD. (The MDP (Multidisciplinary Design Project) is a initiative funded by the Cambridge-MIT Institute to develop opensource material to support student projects. The IDP and the similar course 2.007 at MIT have been used as a test bed for a number of the resources. Students can obtain copies of a DVD, containing the main released resources, from the EIETL or operators. Material/resources that is available, to be used locally on a computer, using the DVD are marked [MDP] below.)

Course Documentation

Current Table Layout

Parts Catalogue

Project Management

A lecture on project management is given on the first day of a course (2pm) on the principles of project management with special reference to the IDP. In addition information is given on using the on-line management tools and bulletin boards.

Access is also given to a number of project management and planning tools, in particular GanttProject which is opensource, compatible with MSProject and available on the departmental teaching system [MDP].

Design Process

Electrical CAD