Department of Engineering / Profiles / Dr Anandarup Mukherjee

Department of Engineering

Dr Anandarup Mukherjee


Anandarup Mukherjee

Senior Research Associate

Academic Division: Manufacturing and Management

Research group: Manufacturing Systems


Personal website


Research interests

Anand works on smart and self-aware monitoring systems at the intersection of industrial automation systems and asset management. His research interests include low-cost digitalization and digital transformation architectures, UAV networks and swarms, industrial automation and communication, and applied machine learning.

Other positions

  • Vice Chair, IEEE P1954 Standards Committee
  • Area Expert, IEEE ComSoc SIG on IoT for e-Health
  • Associate Editor, Springer Nature PPNA
  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Aerial and Space Networks
  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Energy Efficiency Applications


Anandarup is an experienced researcher with 10+ years of R&D experience, 5+years of team leadership and management, diverse hardware and software skills, many award-winning IoT-based technology prototypes, and a comprehensive understanding of IoT architectures. He works on smart and aware sensing systems at the intersection of industrial automation systems and asset management. His research interests include low-cost digitalization and digital transformation architectures, UAV networks and swarms, industrial automation and communication, and applied machine learning. Currently, he is a Research Associate at the Institute for Manufacturing and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, U.K. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur (India), a Master's in Microelectronics and VLSI design (India), and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications engineering (India). He serves as the Vice-chair of IEEE P1954 - Standard for Self-Organizing Spectrum-Agile Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communications (IEEE SA P1954), Associate Editor of Springer Nature’s Peer to Peer Networking Applications journal and is an Area expert of IoT Communications and Interoperability (IEEE ComSoc Special Interest Group (SIG) on IoT for e-Health). He is associated in various capacities in multiple global conferences in communications, networking, automation, and digitalization. He has been invited as the keynote speaker and panelist in numerous international conferences, panel discussions, and academic lecture series globally. He has authored, as well as edited several books, and has more than 50+ impactful peer-reviewed scientific publications in reputed journals and conferences with a personal citation index of 560+, h-index of 13, and i-10 index of 23

Department role and responsibilities