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Department of Engineering

Engineering Leadership awards

Engineering Leadership awards

Many congratulations to the four undergraduates in their second year, who have been awarded Engineering Leadership Awards this year from the Royal Academy of Engineering.

They are:

George KingJon MaJames StewartJoyce Wong

The Engineering Leadership Awards scheme is a sponsored program that enables many young engineers at university to take engineering and management to a higher level. Benefits to the students include:

  • Receiving £500 cash each year for three years to cover educational expenses;
  • Gaining up to £6,000 over three years for activities on their own bespoke personal development plan;
  • Attending seminars and workshops which provide management training and career development advice, held at the University of Cambridge;
  • Having access to their own personal mentor, who is a Sainsbury Management Fellow;
  • Gaining high quality work experience and career opportunities.

Three of the engineering leadership award holders for this year are members of the current Cambridge University Engineering Society (CUES) committee.

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