Department of Engineering / News / Geometry in Action - From Escher to the Millennium Bridge

Department of Engineering

Geometry in Action - From Escher to the Millennium Bridge

Geometry in Action - From Escher to the Millennium Bridge

Dr Joan Lasenby of the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, will be giving a public lecture at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, on April 4th, 2002 at 6.30 pm.

Dr Joan Lasenby

As part of the 'Maths in Action' programme, which aims to demonstrate the power of mathematics and its applications in everyday situations, Joan will be introducing sixth formers and an interested lay-public to the delights of Euclidean geometry. She will explain the mathematical system of geometric algebra and how it can be applied in examples as diverse as computer vision, robotics and the study of humans walking on the now famous, no-longer-wobbly, Millennium Bridge.

These applications reflect Joan's major research interests at CUED, where she is a Royal Society University Research Fellow, and a college lecturer for Trinity College.

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