Department of Engineering / News / Services for industry

Department of Engineering

Services for industry

Services for industry

A new team at CUED's Institute for Manufacturing will provide support and training services for local companies.

Companies joining the Institute as members will have access to a range of services, including trouble-shooting, management and business training, collaborative research projects and tailored support.

This new initiative provides simpler access to expertise in the Institute for Manufacturing and will provide a dedicated contact for each company joining the Institute. A team of industrial fellows will manage each member's relationship with the Institute, ensuring that members are guided to the services most suited to their needs. Paul Christodoulou, Director of the Industry Links Unit, heads the team of industrial fellows who will manage the interaction between the Institute and companies. Services and training courses of interest will be drawn from expertise developed by the Institute's research centres and educational courses, and cover topics such as Technology Roadmapping, New Product Introduction, and Make versus Buy decisions.

To contact the Institute for Manufacturing's team of industrial fellows, please call the Institute on 01223 766141 or email More details of events and courses at the IfM can be found at its web site,

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