Department of Engineering / News / Techlinks 2003

Department of Engineering

Techlinks 2003

Techlinks 2003

On June 10th and 11th, a total of some 2,500 youngsters from all over the region descended on the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, to work on a variety of technologically based projects from making an emergency shelter to designing a hovercraft.

We couldn't run this event without them. It's hard work, they don't have to do it - yet they are full of enthusiasm, which rubs off on the children they talk to.

Alan and Sarah Rowe, Event Organisers

This event, known as 'Techlinks' is now in its fifth year. Organised by Mid Anglia SATRO Ltd, the Science and Technology Regional Organisation, the two day event is designed to enthuse school children from both primary and secondary schools about engineering. Children have the opportunity to use equipment not normally found in school, such as wind tunnels and test tanks.

Each year some 30 or so student volunteers from the Cambridge University Engineering Department join teams from Mid Anglia SATRO Ltd, Science & Engineering Ambassadors, students from Homerton College and a team from the INPUT Programme to stage the technological challenges. Event organisers Alan and Sarah Rowe praised the efforts of the Cambridge students. "We couldn't run this event without them. It's hard work, they don't have to do it - yet they are full of enthusiasm, which rubs off on the children they talk to."

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