Department of Engineering

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Professor Janet Lees

Creativity and concrete: Recipes for better, greener infrastructure

10 Apr 2018

Humans consume a lot of cement. Global cement production in 2017 was a whopping 4.1 billion tons and hence equivalent to the weight of roughly 65 billion adults.

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Biomimetic infrastructure materials showcased at the Royal Society

09 Apr 2018

Biomimetic infrastructure materials, developed as part of collaborative research involving Cambridge engineers, have been showcased at an EPSRC event hosted by the Royal Society.

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Prescription bottle for Oxycodone tablets and pills on metal table

Identification of brain region responsible for alleviating pain could lead to development of opioid alternatives

05 Apr 2018

Researchers from the UK and Japan have identified how the brain’s natural painkilling system could be used as a possible alternative to opioids for the effective relief of chronic pain.

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Professor’s spectrogram design takes pride of place in Oxford synagogue

04 Apr 2018

Spectrograms, created by a Cambridge professor from ritual chants, have been engraved onto a wooden Ark to help mark an important anniversary.

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Alumnus Peter Stidwill is FableVision Studio's Executive Producer

03 Apr 2018

As FableVision’s Executive Producer, Alumnus Peter Stidwill leads the company’s effort to manage multiple animations, games, websites, videos, and museum exhibits simultaneously. 

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Sensors make the world’s first 3D printed steel bridge a ‘living laboratory’

28 Mar 2018

Mohammed Elshafie is collaborating with The Alan Turing Institute, Imperial College London and 3D printing company MX3D to monitor and analyse the performance of a 3D printed footbridge

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Dr David Payne 1933-2018

28 Mar 2018

The Department announces with deep sadness the death of Dr David Payne.

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Cambridge and Nanjing launch strategic collaboration

28 Mar 2018

The new joint centre will support innovative research into smart cities and fully integrated urban environments.

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Cambridge academic honoured with posthumous award by the Royal Aeronautical Society

26 Mar 2018

Dr Norman de Bruyne, the inventor and pioneer of revolutionary advanced adhesives, has been honoured with a posthumous award, presented to the Department of Engineering.

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Overcoming language barriers

22 Mar 2018

Kate Gross was just 36 when she died of cancer. Researchers at Cambridge, including her husband, are trying to ensure that others receive their diagnoses early enough to stop their cancer.

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