Department of Engineering / News / Cambridge students complete MathWorks Student Robot Challenge

Department of Engineering

Cambridge students complete MathWorks Student Robot Challenge

Cambridge students complete MathWorks Student Robot Challenge

The winners: Team Douby

MathWorks recently hosted its second Robotics Challenge for University of Cambridge students where nine teams competed to program LEGO MINDSTORM NXT robots.

Events like this give students the opportunity to apply the theory they’ve learned in the classroom to a hands-on project while also gaining key skills demanded by industry, such as critical thinking and team work

Dr. Coorous Mohtadi, Senior Academic Technical Marketing Specialist at MathWorks

The teams pitted their technical skills against each other to complete a 2D navigational task in the fastest time and with the greatest accuracy. Using MATLAB and Simulink, the students put the theory they learned in the classroom to practice in this fast-paced, engaging, contest.

The competition was won by Team Douby, whose members were Shaoran Hu, a student from the Department of Astronomy, Hongfei Li and Xiaoming Yu, both students at the Department of Engineering, who hit all nine required targets in the fastest time. Each member of the winning team was awarded an Arduino Starter Kit.

In second place was team ChuStorms, whose members were William Froom, Matthew Hollands, Fred Reuss and Siddarth Swaroop, all students from the Department of Engineering.

Dr. Coorous Mohtadi, Senior Academic Technical Marketing Specialist at MathWorks, said: “There’s a major push to get more students in the UK interested in STEM subjects. Events like this give students the opportunity to apply the theory they’ve learned in the classroom to a hands-on project while also gaining key skills demanded by industry, such as critical thinking and team work. Congratulations to everyone involved, and to Team Douby for winning this year’s competition.”

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