Undergraduates overview
The Engineering course at the University of Cambridge normally lasts four years and leads to two degrees: BA (with Honours) and MEng. The first two years of the course are essentially the same for all students and aim to give a broad overview of the subject, covering mechanical and structural engineering, as well as materials, electrical and information engineering.
From the third year, the students are required to specialise. Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET) is offered, in addition to Engineering, as a distinct course. At the end of the third year, the students qualify for a BA (with Honours). However, the programme is designed with a four-year structure leading to a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree. This is the academic qualification which carries with it accreditation by one of the professional engineering institutions as fully satisfying the educational base for a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Students leaving after three years (which is extremely rare) would be leaving their professional education unfinished.
Useful links
Should you have any questions about our teaching programme, please contact Prof John Durrell, Deputy head of Department (Teaching).