Budding engineers are invited to make and race a kit car this year, in the Large Exam Hall on the New Museum Site, on Saturday 13th March, at the opening of this year's Science Festival.
Motors, wheels, axles, batteries and propellers will be provided, together with a variety of other craft materials. Participants in the event will be invited to race their cars against the clock, to see who can achieve the fastest time.
The event is being organised by the Department of Engineering's Outreach Officer, Joy Warde, together with a group of enthusiastic engineering students. "We hope to demonstrate in a fun way, how important design is to achieve a good result. We will also have a variety of exhibits so that those who are interested can learn a little bit about how engines work. Our student volunteers will make sure that they get the message about engineering being a good subject to study, too."
Meanwhile, Dr Hugh Hunt will be taking the 'engineering' message to a number of different primary schools in the region. His offer to lecture 'The Magic of Boomerangs and other Spinning Things' has been snapped up by Mayfield and St Lukes Primary schools as well as the Pelican school and Milton Road Junior School. He will be addressing some 500 primary age children during the week. Over 70 schools applied for a lecture from the Schools Roadshow this year.
The Krazy Kit-Cars event will be held 10am-4pm on Saturday 13th March, at the New Museums Site. Open to all ages, everyone welcome.