Dr Terry Dickerson has recently been appointed Industrial Liaison Manager for the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre (EDC).
He will work alongside the EDC Director, Dr John Clarkson, on the strategic development of the EDC. His other responsibilities include improving technology transfer both within the EDC and with industry, managing industrial contacts and the development of new project opportunities.
Terry is a Chartered Engineer with a considerable range of industrial experience. He started his working life at 16, training as an apprentice toolmaker. At the age of 23 he went into full-time education and obtained BSc and PhD degrees in engineering. In the ten years prior to moving to the Department of Engineering, he worked for an engineering consultancy.
"In the near future, I look forward to making a contribution to the strategy of the group. I will also be working towards making the research more accessible to a wider range of industrial organisations." he comments.
For further information, please contact Terry on tld23@eng.cam.ac.uk or visit the EDC website