Dr Joy Warde has recently been appointed as Outreach Officer for the Department of Engineering.
She will be working with Peter Long and Geoff Parkes to coordinate the Department's outreach activities. These currently include events for the Cambridge Science Festival, the Headstart and Sutton Trust Summer schools and various science and technology activities aimed at schools run in conjunction with SATRO, such as Techlink04. Joy's longer term aim will be to increase the level of outreach activities using student volunteers and encourage schools to use the Department's facilities outside of University Full Term.
Joy has plenty of experience in this type of work, having been a founder Member of Seek (Science and Engineering Experiments for Kids), which is based in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Joy completed her first degree and PhD in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, specialising in Neural Networks. Following a short period of post-doctoral research, she trained as a teacher and taught GCSE science at Comberton Village College for three years before the birth of her daughter.
She is now looking forward to the challenges of raising awareness of engineering as a career choice amongst school children and acting as coordinator for the multidude of activities that are already taking place. If you are interested in either running or taking part in Outreach activities, or are already involved in such events, please do contact Joy either by email (jj112@cam.ac.uk), or on Tel: 01223 332702.