Electrical Engineering - Division directory
Oppenheimer Research Fellow
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Graphene technology, CVD, 2D films, h-BN, TMDCs, Lithography, Optics, Holography, Nanowires
Research Student
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Computational Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Dementia
Senior Research Associate in in Conjugated Polymer Transistors for Probing Brain Function
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Brain-computer interfaces, electrophysiology, neural probes, bioelectronics, foreign body reaction
University Associate Professor in Photonic Devices and Systems
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Silicon photonics, InP integrated circuits, Heterogeneous integration, Photonic switching, Optical programmable processor
Nanjing Professor of Technology and Innovation
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Group: Photonics
Research Areas: Holography and 3D displays, AR/VR HMDs and HUDs, high bandwidth spatial light modulators, meta/novel photonic devices and modules, fibre optic switches, radiation control for the built environment, GHz/THz tunable dielectrics, printable electronics.
Professor of Electromagnetism
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Group: Electrical Power and Energy Conversion
Research Areas: Superconductivity, magnetism, renewable power generation, MRI, NMR, FCL, motors and generators