Department of Engineering / People / Research Group / Energy - Group directory

Department of Engineering

Energy - Group directory

Energy - Group directory

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Combustion CFD

Research Group: Energy

Regius Professor of Engineering

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Monte Carlo Radiation Transport and Reactor Analysis

Research Group: Energy

Professor of Computational Engineering

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: Combustion, turbulence, simulation, modelling, numerical methods

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: Thermoacoustics, Refrigeration, Energy Regenration

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Experimental Investigations of Dual-Fuel Combustion

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Nuclear Engineering of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Nuclear Engineering of Sodium-cooled Fast ReactorsResearch Associate in Nuclear Engineering of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Professor of Engineering

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: Reacting flows, combustion, aerosols, experimental methods, optical diagnostics.

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Associate in Methane Pyrolysis and CNT Synthesis

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Professor of Thermofluid Dynamics

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: Fluid Mechanics, Flow instability, Thermoacoustics, Combustion, Nonlinear dynamics, Adjoint methods, Bayesian inference

Research Associate in Gas Turbine Combustion Modelling

Research Group: Energy

Part-time Teaching Assistant

Research Group: Energy

EPSRC National Fellow in Fluid Dynamics

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: fluid mechanics, inverse problems, numerical simulation

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Student

Research Group: Energy

Research Areas: Large Eddy Simulation, Combustion, Gas Turbine, Flame Stabilisation
