Energy, Transport and Urban Infrastructure - Theme directory
Director of Research in Sustainable Development
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Sustainable Development
Research Areas: Sustainable development, energy efficiency, infrastructure, retrofit, urban development
Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Geotechnical and Environmental
Research Areas: Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling, Soil Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Offshore Geomechanics, Deep Foundations, Soil Behaviour
Professor of Aerothermal Engineering
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Turbomachinery
Research Areas: Turbomachinery, aircraft propulsion, open rotors, boundary layer ingestion, aviation and the environment
Professor of Engineering
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Energy
Research Areas: Reacting flows, combustion, aerosols, experimental methods, optical diagnostics.
The Dyson Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Fluids
Research Areas: Buoyancy-driven flows, fluid mechanics of low-energy building ventilation, turbulent plumes and fountains
Professor of Engineering Dynamics and Vibration
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research Group: Applied Mechanics
Research Areas: Railway noise and vibration, gyroscopes and boomerangs, wave power, renewable energy, vibration of bell towers
University Senior Lecturer
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research Group: Engineering Design
Research Areas: Aeronautical Design
Emeritus Staff
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research Group: Engineering Design
Research Areas: Knowledge management, functional modelling, kinematics, embodiment generation
Professor of Thermofluid Dynamics
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Energy
Research Areas: Fluid Mechanics, Flow instability, Thermoacoustics, Combustion, Nonlinear dynamics, Adjoint methods, Bayesian inference
Emeritus Staff
Academic Division: Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Manufacturability, high frequency electronics, semiconductor materials physics and devices, national energy systems, energy efficiency, climate change
Professor in Civil Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Structures
Research Areas: use of new materials in construction, sustainable concrete, civil engineering
Professor of Control Engineering
Academic Division: Information Engineering
Research Group: Control
Research Areas: Systems and control theory, power systems, smart grids, optimization, distributed resource allocation, decentralized control, communication networks, biological networks
University Associate Professor
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Fluids
Research Areas: Multiphase flows, adaptive mesh method, viscoelasticity, surfactant, rarefied gas dynamics, droplet collision and impact
Professor of Hydrodynamics
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Areas: Hydrodynamics, fluid mechanics, geotechnics
University Associate Professor
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Turbomachinery
Research Areas: Gas turbine compressors
Professor of Civil Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Geotechnical and Environmental
Research Areas: Earthquake geotechnical engineering, liquefaction, pile foundations, centrifuge modelling, finite element analysis, offshore wind energy systems, biomechanics
Emeritus Staff
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Geotechnical and Environmental
Research Areas: Soft ground tunnelling, retaining structures, deep excavations and foundations, field monitoring
Hopkinson & Imperial Chemical Industries Professor of Applied Thermodynamics (1950)
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Energy
Research Areas: Combustion, energy, gas turbines, diesel engines, atmospheric pollution, turbulent reacting flows
Professor in Industrial Information Engineering
Academic Division: Manufacturing and Management
Research Group: Manufacturing Systems
Research Areas: Distributed industrial automation, reconfigurable systems, RFID integration, track and trace systems, valuing industrial information
Professor of Structural Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Structures
Research Areas: Dynamics, risk, structures, bridges, water, wind
University Associate Professor
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research Group: Materials Engineering
Research Areas: Materials, composites, cellular materials, blast, impact, processing, modelling
Laing O'Rourke Professorship of Construction Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research Group: Construction Engineering
Research Areas: bridge engineering, structural theory, ultimate strength of concrete structures, yield line analysis
Director of Research in Transitional Energy Strategies
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research Areas: Energy Strategy, Energy Storage and Distribution, Transport, Electric Vehicles
Professor of Aerothermal Technology
Academic Division: Energy, Fluids and Turbomachinery
Research Group: Turbomachinery
Research Areas: Turbomachinery, unsteady flows, tidal turbines, engine instrumentation
Professor of Laser Engineering
Academic Division: Manufacturing and Management
Research Group: Production Processes
Research Areas: Laser-matter interactions, optical engineering, laser based manufacturing technologies, micro/nano fabrication techniques