Department of Engineering / Profiles / Dr Joana M Warnecke

Department of Engineering

Dr Joana M Warnecke


Joana M Warnecke

Research Associate in Image Processing for Medical Applications

Academic Division: Information Engineering

Research group: Signal Processing and Communications



Research interests

Signal Fusion Enabled with Machine Learning - Fusion is vital for integrating diverse sources of information, enabling a more comprehensive understanding. This allows the extraction of information that is impossible to acquire with one sensor. By combining data from multiple sources, fusion enhances accuracy, reliability, and robustness, such as in medical applications. Different Machine learning models improve the reliability of sensor systems in real-world settings through effective signal fusion methodologies.

Continuous Health Monitoring - With these signal fusion methods it is possible to monitor vital signs, enabling early detection of health issues and prompt intervention. Integrating monitoring systems into everyday devices, seamlessly incorporates health checks into daily routines, fostering better adherence to monitoring practices. This proactive approach not only improves treatment outcomes and reduces complications.

Research projects

I work on the Meerkat project, a collaboration between the Departments of Engineering and Paediatrics. Our primary objective is to create a non-contact camera-based monitoring system tailored for infants in intensive care. We aim to leverage advanced machine learning, signal fusion, and computer vision algorithms to measure vital signs and abnormal movements. This will enable us to detect seizures, advancing monitoring capabilities and elevating clinical care standards. Furthermore, our project encompasses comprehensive data collection from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the design of an integrated unit comprising imaging and analysis hardware. This project involves close collaboration with nurses, clinical professionals, and parents to ensure efficacy and usability.

Teaching activity

  • IB Paper 6: Signal and Data Analysis
  • IB Paper 6: Linear Systems and Control

Other positions

  • PostDoc Society Fellow, Trinity College

Department role and responsibilities