Department of Engineering / Profiles / Mr Xin Qin

Department of Engineering

Mr Xin Qin


Xin Qin

Research Student

Academic Division: Information Engineering

Research group: Control


Personal website

Research interests

I am a PhD student at the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Ioannis Lestas. My research focuses on power system control and optimization, energy storage and electricity markets, and multi-energy systems.

You can find my publication list on my Google Scholar profile.


2024/04: Our pre-print paper on energy storage entitled "Economic Capacity Withholding Bounds of Competitive Energy Storage Bidders" has been available online.

2023/05: Our paper entitled "The Role of Electricity Market Design for Energy Storage in Cost-Efficient Decarbonization" has been accepted by Joule.

2023/04: Honored to receive the CSEE JPES Excellent Paper Award for our paper "Combined Electric and Heat System Testbeds for Power Flow Analysis and Economic Dispatch".

2023/01: Our paper entitled "Energy Storage State-of-Charge Market Model" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation.

2022/02: Our paper on nonconvex optimization entitled "Increasing flexibility of combined heat and power systems through optimal dispatch with variable mass flow" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.

Department role and responsibilities

PhD student