Department of Engineering / Profiles / Dr Alice Cicirello

Department of Engineering

Dr Alice Cicirello


Alice Cicirello

University Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics

Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design

Research group: Applied Mechanics

Telephone: +44 1223 7 48527


Personal website

Research interests

Alice re-joined the University of Cambridge as a University Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics in the Engineering Department (part of the Dynamics and Vibration Research Group), and as a Lecturer and Fellow in Engineering at Churchill College in September 2023. Alice's research group (founded in 2017) is the Data, Vibration and Uncertainty group.

Her research is focused on three Engineering overarching grand-challenges:

(i) Design under uncertainty and nonlinearity;
(ii) Monitoring and modeling complex systems for remaining useful life assessment under uncertainty, nonlinearity and sparse noisy data;
(iii) Development of explainable and interpretable machine learning strategies for engineering applications.

Alice enjoys exploring exciting new techniques based on physics-enhancing machine learning, uncertainty quantification, dynamic testing and advanced physics-based models… including those of spiders! She has experience working on research challenges related to energy, automotive, aerospace and civil engineering. She has also worked on cross-disciplinary research challenges related to Artificial Intelligence and Animal Vibration. 

Other positions

Alice is currently also:

Alice is also very passionate about teaching, and she was awarded the Bronze for Excellence in Teaching for the academic year 2018/19 at the Oxford Engineering Science Department.


  • 2013, PhD, University of Cambridge
  • 2009, MSc, University of Messina
  • 2007, BEng, University of Messina

Previous (academic) positions:

  • 2020 - 2023: Associate Professor and Section Head in Mechanics and Physics of Structures, TU Delft
  • 2017 - 2019: Departmental Lecturer in Dynamics and Vibration, Engineering Science Department, University of Oxford
  • 2017 - 2019: Career Development Fellow in Engineering, Balliol College, University of Oxford

Alice has held visiting positions at several research institutions, including MIT, University of Oxford, Sandia National Laboratories, the Alan Turing Institute and the University of Auckland. Alice was Honorary Lecturer at the University of Liverpool and an IAS Open Programme Fellow at Institute of Advanced Studies (Loughborough University).

Alice has organized and chaired technical sessions at international conferences, technical workshops and online seminar series. Alice was part of the organizing committee of RASD 2024, EURODYN 23, and MPSVA 2022. Alice was a member of the scientific committee of several conferences (including EWSHM 2024,  ISMA2022-USD2022, ISMA2024-USD2024, UNCECOMP 21 and 23, and PASC 23). Alice organized and chaired the Physics-Enhancing Machine Learning Workshop at the Institute of Physics in 20222023 and 2024, and the Data-Centric Engineering @ CAM event at the Cambridge University Engineering Department in 2025.

Alice has been recently invited as:

 Alice will give keynote lectures at the:

Please note that the DVU group website is regularly updated with links to open access papers, codes and experimental dataset used in papers, learning resources about Machine Learning, Uncertainty Quantification and Structural Dynamics, and tips for early career researchers and early career academics. If you found these resources useful, it would be nice to know! 

Department role and responsibilities

Lecturer for the courses: