Emeritus Staff
Academic Division: Mechanics, Materials and Design
Research group: Applied Mechanics
Email: jw12@cam.ac.uk
Research interests
Professor Woodhouse's research interests include:
- Mechanics of musical instruments (see the e-book at https://euphonics.org)
- Brake squeal and other frictionally-excited vibration
- Vibration of complex structures
- Identification and modelling of vibration damping
Research opportunities
I am retired now, so I am not able to take on any new PhD students, post-docs or visitors
After a first degree in mathematics at Cambridge, Jim Woodhouse did a PhD on the acoustics of the violin, in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge (this work being inspired by a hobby interest in building instruments). He then worked for the engineering consultancy firm Topexpress for a few years, on a variety of problems in structural vibration, before joining the Engineering Department of the University in 1985. His research interests all involve vibration, and musical instruments have continued to form a major part.